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Credit : Xavier Murillon
As a child, I danced. At the age of 6, I enter a dance hall for the first time to take a classical class. Dancing expression, bodywork and movement quickly become a passion that shapes my choices and my life. At the age of 16 I discover contemporary and hip-hop dances, which allow me to broaden my repertoire of movements, but also to free myselftrom some constraints inherentto classical dance, a control that no longer suits the sense of freedom that I seek to achieve when I In 2015 l enter the advanced cycle of choreographic movement notation at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.During this course, I am supported by the Cleo Thiberge Edrom Foundation and I get the opportunity to do an internship at the Ballet National du Rhin. There I meet young dancers When I return to Paris, I pursue the desire to bring together those complementary arts by specialising in choreography for filmed media, composing movement for other dancers and actors. Sometimes T also dance for these projects. Along the way, I have developed an experience that allows me to take on the role of director's assistant specialized in movement, combining cinematographic and choreographic research. I really like this collective work, and would define myself as a hybrid and multidisciplinary artist. Regular lecturer at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris in the repertoire classes of professors Jean Alavi and Edmond Russo, I am also a freelance writer and choreographer in For further information and hear me talk about my practice Tous danseurs (Podcast, FR), Dans la loge (Podcast, FR)
Legal mentions Design + development Sylvain Jule